Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

 JPA has developed, inventoried and managed thousands of miles of high-accuracy infrastructure GIS projects emphasizing electric, gas, water, sewer, fiber optic, storm water, and transportation networks.  JPA  specializes in engineering design-quality GIS database development, inventory, and management of infrastructure assets.

JPA is truly passionate about this type of work and will implement excessive care and due process for all work to be performed.  With knowledge of GIS professional practices, professional land surveying, and the latest information technology, JPA will promote, develop, and deliver the highest quality professional product available today. 

Ask around, you will find survey-grade GIS solutions is a very niche market.  JPA has earned much respect from the GIS, engineering, and surveying community for the ability to pioneer this market in Alabama.  Once a solid GIS foundation is established, mobile solutions are also available to empower every user with valuable information.

No matter what utility you manage or operate, JPA can develop a custom solution to fit your needs.

Personalized service, local response, and the ability to personally build a long term relationship are the key principles we have built our business on for years.

Survey Grade GIS Utilities
Survey Grade GIS Utilities